Long sleeves

For tall men, it isn't always easy to find t-shirts that fit nicely. It seems as if shirts are always either too short, or too wide for you. And the sleeves are often a few inches too short and do not reach down to your wrists. To make a long story short: t-shirts designed for people of average height do not fit you well and do not look good on you. What you need, is t-shirts designed for tall people! And you will find those right here at Highleytall.

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Extra long t-shirts with long sleeves

We exclusively sell clothing for tall people, so whenever you order from us, you do not need to worry about the length of any of the items. Our t-shirts with long sleeves were designed with tall men in mind. The width and length are perfectly suited to the tall man's body. Obviously, this means the sleeves are also extra long! All our long-sleeved shirts have sleeve length 7. This means the sleeves are 72 cm (over 28") long, measured from the shoulder to the wrist. In other words, you will never have bare forearms again! Highleytall offers a broad selection of extra tall t-shirts with long sleeves. Whether it is basics, polo's or bright printed shirts you love: you will find it here. And all our shirts are extra tall!